September 19, 2011

Cardboard Night Table that looks like a washing machine.

The idea comes from, needed a night table but didn't know what design to make until I saw my washing machine. why not?...This took me 3 days, 6 double ply  120x80 cm cardboard from IKEA, one news paper, 500ml of vinyl glue, and 400ml of white paint. The upper part is a draw, and the lower part is a storage place. The door is just decorative and useless, it's removable. The size of the night table is 40x40x50cm.

  Over the skeleton I glue two pieces of cardboard on each side to give it strength. 

The draw is build after so I can make better mesure than theoretical.
Then I glue the news paper all over with white glue and water.

And then I paint it in white, the circular inside in black, and make a freestyle in the draw.

It's really steady, the top can hole a lot of weight, You could sit on it but you would flatten and deform the top ply. And if it get wet it will be destroyed, but it's really light.

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