November 15, 2011

Tetra-pack Baskets

Using the traditional technique of Birch bark basket with juice and milk box, I got this. the waxed paper of the Tetra-pack make a perfect waterproof surface.


November 04, 2011

Vinyl Parquet Ping Pong Rackets!!

There's a Pub they say across the street of Järntorget, where you can drink beer and play Ping Pong at the same time. But it's only during the Mondays, or I think so?It's really funny and there is a lot of people playing. But every time we got there, there is no more rackets to rent. So I made our own...With vinyls parquet rejects. Took me long time to find the material.
And now the pub is closed. Just the day before I was done. The one with a hole is cause:

"I missed cause there's a hole in my racket that's why!"

I even did ping pong balls. We tried them one night, they work but they are kind of dangerous.

October 03, 2011

Recycled ring and spray paint cap.

A friend was going to throw away a smashed ring so I did that with it and she loved it.

Wood Carving

Here is some of my work on woodcarving,
All of this is made with scrap wood.
Sorry didn't take picture of all my works. and all my work is
disperse all around the world.

12" spoon made of poplar.

I liked so much the feeling of touching wood that I covered my mouse with wood and it work well.
 Crochet hook for Leah.
(Bamboo from chopstick and pine for the large one)

 Twisted wood...that's how strong I am!

 My spoons made of American Holy found on pallets.
Ustenciles made of Pine. You can only eat mash potatoes with it!

I'm out of tools so I can't carve for now.

September 19, 2011

Cardboard Night Table that looks like a washing machine.

The idea comes from, needed a night table but didn't know what design to make until I saw my washing machine. why not?...This took me 3 days, 6 double ply  120x80 cm cardboard from IKEA, one news paper, 500ml of vinyl glue, and 400ml of white paint. The upper part is a draw, and the lower part is a storage place. The door is just decorative and useless, it's removable. The size of the night table is 40x40x50cm.

  Over the skeleton I glue two pieces of cardboard on each side to give it strength. 

The draw is build after so I can make better mesure than theoretical.
Then I glue the news paper all over with white glue and water.

And then I paint it in white, the circular inside in black, and make a freestyle in the draw.

It's really steady, the top can hole a lot of weight, You could sit on it but you would flatten and deform the top ply. And if it get wet it will be destroyed, but it's really light.

September 16, 2011


Coardboard Ustencil Dispencer,
One piece, no glue.
Before the entire piece flat.

After !!


Recycled Copper Bracelet

Ask Construction sites for Electric cable waste, I totally didn't dumpster-dive them.
Getting ride of the plastic...and do this:

From Electric cable to Bracelet...

Cardboard Lamp