April 19, 2012

Cacao Spoon

this spoon is made of a very special wood: from cacao tree, but not whatever cacao tree but wood of  probably the only cacao tree of Göteborg. From "Palm Huset", the beautiful green house of "Trägård'n". The gardener, a really nice man, gave me a waste piece( 2"diameter, 8" long )... Carved, polished and oiled with mineral oiled ended up like this!

Inner tubes Renovation

 One day Göteborgs theatre was trowing away two awesome armchair. I ask and took them home. One was in pretty good shape but the other one...

 I had replaced some broken pieces of the frame. but the biggest problem were the broken elastics wraps.
I replaced them with inner tubes and now this armchair is more comfortable than the other one.